InteliScan Engage
Companies try to engage with potential customers through print advertisements & campaigns.
The company may face few challenges in the competitive environment,
- How to kindle the Impulse of the potential customers to contact
- When they contact, provide multiple modes of engagement, to keep the interests alive and take it to the next level
- And Ensuring that the productivity of the team is maximized through effective tracking.
InteliScan Reach will help you to get visitors to respond instantaneously to your static print campaigns. Once you have
succeeded in attracting the visitors to your web link through QR codes, the next big challenge is to engage them for
mutual benefit; Many websites are static, with very little interactivity with the visitors.
Once you have subscribed to Inteliscan Reach, you can upgrade to Inteliscan Engage. Inteliscan Engage will help you to
engage your target audience in an interactive way, whether by letting them Chat with your agents or express them selves
through an interactive response form.
Inteliscan Engage will allow the companies to engange with the Potential Customers through QR codes on Print
Advertisements & help Monitoring Effectiveness of Print Ad campaigns among the WhatsApp Generation.